St Edmunds Road Residents’ Association
Minutes of the first meeting, Thursday December 8th
2011, 7pm, Victoria Road Church, Lecture Room.
Present: - Tony Clarke, Ruth Lowe, Kevin Evans, Peter
Strachan (Borough Council), David Evans, Danielle Stone (Borough Council),
Winston Strachan(Borough and County Councils, Anne Wishart, Jim Wishart,
Aleyamma Itti.
Apologies from Aziz and Kate.
1. It was
agreed that AW should be chairperson; JW, secretary; TC, Treasurer.
2. It was
agreed that the group should be known as the St Edmunds Road Residents
Association. Its area should extend from York Road to St Edmunds and Alfred
Street and from Wellingborough Road to Billing Road.
3. PS tabled
an example of a Constitution. It was
agreed that this could form the basis for this association’s Constitution. [The Secretary subsequently offered to adapt
the pattern presented for our association’s purposes. Action- secretary
4. Peter, who
had experience of setting up resident associations, suggested that the initial
objectives should be restricted to a few only, preferably just one for maximum
5. Several topics were raised and discussed-
1. TC
mentioned the Semilong Residents’ Association
– their meetings alternate between executive meetings and ‘get it off your
chest’ meetings which are open to all and allow brain-storming local issues.
This was done in conjunction with blitzing the area with publicity. The SRA was
an active user of the web for publicity by newsletters etc. This was supported by DS and WS. TC listed
the activities of the SRA which included potholes, litter and road sweeping.
There were coloured maps on the SRA website which recorded the progress of
individual instances/locations that had been reported to the local
authority. KE was nominated to look
after a web-site in conjunction with TC.
2. The
question of St Edmunds churchyard
was raised. The view was that this should be opened to the public with
appropriate alterations to the walls and planting and footways. The church
authorities need to be approached. TC mentioned a S106 agreement and a possible
link in use with the new care home to be developed on the St Edmunds hospital
site. It was suggested that Mr Sehmi could be asked to pay for a walking area
for his care home patients. DS was in
agreement with the proposal and thought it a good idea. She asked how the
maintenance should be dealt with. Kevin remarked that the area was being
maintained at the moment so the money is available. TC said that the Bishop of
Brixworth needs to be approached for agreement. KE was concerned about possible
vandalism in the churchyard. AW said that she had spoken to the maintenance
people who said that there had been an increase in needles recently but now it
appears that the problem isn’t as bad as it was and the police are involved in
keeping an eye on it.
3. TC said
that parking is an issue in the
4. DS was in
favour of ‘de-cluttering’
unnecessary signs and posts. She said that there is a fund to finance this.
5. Under the
heading of publicity TC said that a
newsletter is needed. WS said that a heading for letters needed designing. TC will liaise with KE over the headed paper.
A Facebook account was mentioned. TC said that Semilong ran the ‘Semilong
Community Forum’. For new people in the
area a ‘welcome pack’ was provided. WS said that a list of useful numbers
should be included on publicity material. KE has a contact with the Chronicle
and Echo. TC said that we should use the ‘Down your way’ section of the
Chronicle. The Chronicle should be provided with a contact number for this
Association. DS has already done this, providing her number and AW. An email group to be set up and distributed.
6. DS was in
favour of a community notice board. The question of its maintenance and cost were
7. WS said
that the Denmark Road resurfacing
was in a terrible state.
8. The
question of finance was raised. WS
explained current arrangements, referring to ‘community first panel’ and
allocation of funds between the St Crispin and Castle Wards. WS also referred
to ‘fast-tracking’ money to us.
9. TC raised
houses in multiple occupation as a problem.
10. PS raised
the question of a Get it off your chest
session. AW to enquire of the church when the room will be available. PS will arrange a meeting for this
11. Dates for
the next meeting were discussed but
no definite date was fixed.
Jim Wishart
Thursday 15th December 2011.
Minutes to be sent to all present.
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