Tuesday, 21 August 2012

St Edmunds Residents Association Meeting.
Including speakers and a discussion on Housing and tenancy issues in St Edmunds.

Agenda for the fifth meeting of the Association,

7.00 to 8.00pm Monday 3rd September 2012. Victoria Road Church Rooms, Cyril Street.
  1. Apologies
  2. Introduction of two speakers on housing. The question will be the rights and duties of tenants and landlords. This will be followed by questions and a discussion.
  3. The churchyard, progress on the 'Park'.
  4. The MUGA. (Multiple use games area.)
  5. Minutes of the last meeting.
  6. Matters arising.
  7. Any other business.
  8. Date of next meeting
  9. 8.00pm, meeting closes.
If you know of anyone who might be interested in the Residents Association please let us know and let them know about the meeting. Email addresses (where possible) make it much easier to contact people and distribute agendas and minutes.
Suggestions are welcome for speaker or main subject for future meetings.
We have a group on Facebook called St Edmunds Residents Association
Jim Wishart, secretary
17th August, 2012.
St Edmunds Churchyard- project to convert this churchyard to a public park.

Our association has voted to try to open the churchyard to the public as a park. The list of 'things to do' is long and to a degree a bit indeterminate as there is more than one possible type of park that the area could become.
In the meantime we have made an application for design aid under a scheme promoted by the Design Council. There are limited resources available, in fact only ten projects will be helped across the whole country but we have worked on the basis of 'nothing ventured nothing gained'.

The Design Council web page can be found here

I have filled in the application form and sent it off, it includes the following:-
Part 3: About your project
1. What is the name of your project?
        St Edmunds Churchyard Park.
2. Please describe your project – why is it needed and what do you want to do?
        The cemetery is closed to the public at the present time. The St Edmunds Church was demolished in the early ‘70s. The land is a very tranquil spot behind a five foot high stone wall. There are not many gravestones so there is a large area of grassland and trees which would make an ideal place for relaxation or a pleasant diversion on a walk for the local people.
We need to open up the churchyard by the provision of new entrances, a reduction of the height of the wall, some attention to the existing gravestones, construction of paths maybe crossing the area, consideration of street lighting, litter bins and seats.
We need a landscape architect’s advice and work to design a scheme and to price it.
All we have to do now is wait for a result.