Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Fix My Street website

If you wish to report problems like graffiti, fly tipping, broken paving slabs, or street lighting issues the website Fix My Street is your answer.
Fix My Street
An example of the possible reports that can be provided include an issue of fly-tipping recently reported by SERA secretary James Wishart. This was located on Woodford Street between Palmerston Road and Ethel Street.
Woodford Street Fly-tipping report
This issue has since been successfully resolved .If you have issues you would like addressing, feel free to file the report at the site above.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Food waste collection. New.
The Borough are starting a new weekly food waste collection service to help you recycle more and to reduce the amount of waste being sent to landfill.
It will start between January and March. Outdoor food bins and indoor 'caddies' will be delivered.
The food waste will  be collected at the same time as your other recyclable materials every week. It will be taken to a facility that turns it into electricity. By recycling your food waste, you will reduce the amount sent to landfill. Food in landfill produces methane gas which contributes to climate change.

St. Edmunds Residents Association coverage

Below is a map representing the area that the association covers in a more detailed form via Google Maps:

View Larger Map

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

What are we planning to do?

Issues that are likely to figure prominently are:-
parking, graffiti, litter, potholes and pavement quality, fly tipping,
projects that could be promoted are:-
the use of St Edmunds Churchyard by the public, the clutter of road signs and moderation of the speed of traffic in some roads


Welcome to the blog for the St. Edmunds Residents Association (sera).

We are a group of residents for the area which we have named "St Edmunds" It stretches from York Road to Palmerston Road and from Wellingborough Road to Billing Road, Northampton.

We had our first meeting in December when a dozen people met at the Victoria Road Church rooms and chose a steering committee of three.

We plan to have another meeting at the beginning of April when we will have a 'Question and Answer' session at Victoria Church.

We hope to work in improve the area and foster a sense of community to the benefit of all.

Please join in and help make the venture a success.